Monday, July 5, 2021

Public Prosecutor and Public Prosecution

Public Prosecutor and Public Prosecution - A public prosecutor is a legal agent or entity who acts on behalf of the legislative body of the state and investigates the wrongdoings of law offenders. They are responsible for carrying out inquiries in criminal cases to keep the best interests of the general public intact. Most of the countries of the world appoint public prosecutors to be their legal spokesperson in such cases. The UAE's legal framework for criminal proceedings follows a similar pattern. Once the claimant gets their initial statement recorded and verified by the concerned police department, the case goes in the hands of public prosecutors before the lawyers(criminal lawyers) come to play their roles.

The first thing done by the prosecuting officer is to call upon the accuser and the accused separately. He will then interrogate both individuals in person, one by one. The next step for him will be to give a chance to both the parties to bring forward any person who will testify their account of the incident as witnesses and support their claims respectively. The public prosecutor gets the help of a clerk in this process who is responsible for recording the statements given by both the sides and their corresponding witnesses. The language of this documentation is in Arabic as well. Lastly, this written record of declaration is to be signed by both the complainant and the offender.

It is in the hands of these legal agents to decide after careful analysis whether the happening is of a criminal offense sort or not. If it gets proven to him that a criminal happening has indeed taken place, then he summons the one who has been accused of the crime to present himself before the criminal court. The offender then hires competent criminal lawyers to defend their client against the criminal charges. The role of the entity acting on the state's behalf doesn't end here. It also comes in the responsibility bracket of the public prosecutor to provide the court of law with all the pertinent details regarding the act of violation. A public prosecutor has the power to annul the case as well if he thinks that no punishable offence has been done to get it prosecuted in the court of justice. Based on his decision, no further course of action takes place.

Law Firms to Deal with the Criminal Cases - Law Firms to deal with Criminal Cases, Law Firms to deal with Public Prosecution, Law Firms to deal with Police Complaints, CID Investigations, and Law Firms to deal with the expert reports required or sometimes mandatory for a criminal case. First of all, this is not a job that can be done by a small attorney's office. Law Firms in Dubai are most capable in this regard. Criminal Cases go longer and longer which can't be determined by any law genius. Therefore for unexpected circumstances, time limits, and situations, one should only trust a Law Firm with a "Name".

We believe this is not a point that can not be understood by the legal help seekers easily. The best thing is to find out a good Law Firm. The best thing is to find out a good team of Lawyers and Legal Consultants. These Legal Consultants in Dubai will give the MOST ADVANCED & APPLICABLE advice while these criminal law lawyers will provide a VERY GOOD, VALID & PRODUCTIVE legal representation.

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