Monday, July 5, 2021

Criminal Law and Criminal Lawyers

Crime is an act of misdemeanour done to harm the other person, faction of a society, community, or the country at large. It is considered a criminal offence in the eyes of the law and the offender is held for violating the law. Relevant punishments are given to such law accusers. Criminal cases are complicated legal matters and need competent Criminal law, lawyers in dubai to assist in the necessary court proceedings. In the UAE, when a crime is committed, the victim has to file an official complaint against the party accused of the offence. The complaint enlists the details of the incident and the sequential happenings regarding the act of crime. The victim dictates his statement and the police officials write it down to record it. The statement is recorded in the Arabic language and is to be signed by the claimant. This process is done free of charge at the police station without any expense incurred by the complainant.

The sufferer or the accuser gets an opportunity while filing a complaint to bring a witness as a shred of evidence to the crime committed against him to strengthen his or her case in front of the police officer overseeing the case. Once the complaint gets lodged at the police station, the police officer then contacts the person accused of the crime to present himself at the station and present his version of the act of violation. The officer in charge must tell the accused that he has a legal right to bring witnesses to support his side of the story. They shall then be called by the police to get their testimonies documented. After documenting the statements of both parties, the officer on duty shall then forward the accusation to the relevant department of the police.

They shall then scrutinize, analyze and assess the case file. Once a careful evaluation is done, they will then cite the case to the public prosecutor. A public prosecutor is a legal representative in the UAE, who has the authority to decide whether the presented case file qualifies as a crime as per the sanctions of the UAE Penal Code and needs to be referred to criminal court for further proceedings or not. Qualified criminal lawyers are subsequently hired by both parties to defend their case if the prosecutor gives a nod to proceed.

Whenever the Criminal Cases are filled then those Law Firms are approached who have the experience and staff to deal with criminal cases. We all know that Criminal Cases are started with lodging a complaint in Police Department. Nowadays Expert Reports have been made almost compulsory to file a complaint. Then it has to be decided in public prosecution then finally in Criminal Court. Criminal Cases are the toughest and the biggest cases where Law Firms have to spend their maximum resources and staff.

Sometimes in a few cases, more than one lawyers need to be dedicated and appointed. Therefore the Criminal Cases are not a game for a small or junior Law Firm or for those Law Firms who are just in their evolving position. Law Firms in Dubai are the best in one regard that they are based on amazing professional and organizational structures.

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