Saturday, August 21, 2021

Labour and Employment Lawyers in Dubai For Employment Disputes

If you have any disputes regarding your wages or overtime payment then these labour and employment lawyers will help you to resolve these issues legally. But, before you go for a lawyer or file a case, make sure that you are claiming anything according to the law and according to your rights. You should have a firm knowledge of laws covering payments, wages, and overtime. The question is who will clear your points and questions in this regard the answer is simple;

If you start working for any organization then you should know your rights and if you remain ignorant about these laws, rules, and regulations then it might be possible that you do not know when and where your rights are being violated. It might also be possible that your employer will take advantage of this and give you more work without paying you extra for that. Up to date information and knowledge will empower you in these things and when you know that you are working by the law and fulfilling all work demands then you can easily fight for yourself and your rights. Who will help a new employee to understand the job requirements and more? Yes, only a competent Lawyer and the competent Lawyer is;

Fair international labour standards Act has been passed for the protection of the rights of all labourers. This law includes wages, overtime, and working hours for the employer. According to this law if an employee worked for his or her organization for more than 40 hours then they should get paid for those extra hours. This law is applicable to the following:  

  • If you are paid hourly

  • Salary is based on commission or bonuses

  • Or having a regular salary based job

According to this law, it has been guaranteed that any employee would be given minimum wage which is mentioned in the law not less than that. If you get less than that then you can file a case against your organization and ask your lawyer to help you to protect your employment rights. 

These labour and employment lawyers will guide you properly about if your case is under the labour standard act or not. Is it fulfilling all the requirements for filing a case or not, are your rights genuinely being violated or not. Because this overtime thing varies from profession to profession for example doctors, hospital emergency staff, firefighters, and many more. That’s why you should know that if you are filing any case against your employer then are you doing it in the right way or not. 

For UAE this Law is called UAE Labour Law. The same Law is applicable in Dubai. Law is Federal therefore Law is almost the same when it comes to enforceability. UAE Labour Law also states in Article 65 that 48 Hours is the maximum working hour in a week. Working Hours more than 48 hours, need to be paid by the Employer. For a few industries e.g. Hotels, Restaurants etc the working Hours can be little changed, however, if an employer wants to extend the working hours then he needs permission from the Ministry of Labour. Even though you are a local person, you are not allowed to exceed the Law or move beyond the Law. If you are found doing so then you will be responsible and accountable before the Law, even though you are a UAE citizen. Law is the same for Locals and Expatriates which is the beauty of the UAE Judicial system as it is based on quality and justice. Lawyers in Dubai can be called for booking the Legal Consultation if people have doubts in this regard.

Though the illegitimate terms made part of the Labour Contract, are always challenging but Law may also ask the employee why did he sign the contract when he was being forced or it was not according to the defined rules of UAE Labour Law. Be cautious always!!

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